WHAT'S NEW from Joel Pinkerton
Cyclotron Sally -The Atomic Housewife
This was one of the pieces in my exhibit at Zephyr Gallery back in May/June 2006. The piece would warm up in your presence. It could sense a warm body in its space and would gradually warm up. There is a temperature gauge on its chest and you could actually see it rise from room temperature to as much as 135 degrees. Don't know what a cyclotron is? Look it up!
Featured on HGTV
Check my photo page for a piece titled, "Voodoo Love Flower" a lamp that was one of several to be featured on the Home and Garden Network (HGTV) in June 2003.
"Our Place" which airs Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM EST, featured the unusual lamps created by Joel Pimkerton.
To find out when this program will air again go to HGTV.COM find the program, Our Place, and look for episode #456. You'll find a short preview of the segment.
Contact Joel via email to arrange for a video tape of the segment.